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While the health statistics of rural India continue to be poor, the health status and access to health for the poor in urban slum dwellers has surfaced to be equally deplorable and have less than 4% of government primary healthcare facilities.

Urban slum dwellers suffer from adverse health conditions owing to mainly two reasons –first the lack of education and thus lack of awareness; and second the unwillingness to lose a day’s wage in order to reach the nearest medical facility. Healthcare for underprivileged, which is a desperate need, thus remains unaddressed.

The need of the hour is thus a two pronged approach – first to bring quality healthcare services to doorsteps of the needy and second to promote healthcare awareness and contemporary healthcare seeking behavior among the underprivileged. In such a scenario a mobile healthcare services delivery system is the most practical mechanism. And in subscription to this view, Aariona Foundation Foundation has initiated the Smile on Wheels programme. This is a unique mobile hospital programme that seeks to address problems of mobility, accessibility and availability of primary healthcare with a special focus on children and women, in urban slums and remote rural areas.

Mission and Goals:

Health-related NGOs typically have a clear mission and set of goals aimed at improving public health.

Initiatives and Programs:

Health NGOs implement a wide range of initiatives and programs to address specific health challenges.

Health Education and Awareness:

  • One key aspect of the work carried out by health-related NGOs is the promotion of health education and awareness. Through workshops, campaigns, and community outreach, these organizations empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health

Advocacy and Policy Influence:

  • Health NGOs are not just service providers; they also serve as advocates for better health policies. By engaging with policymakers, conducting research, and raising awareness about pressing health issues, these organizations contribute to shaping policies

Collaborations and Partnerships:

  • Collaboration is a cornerstone of the work of health-related NGOs. By forming partnerships with governments, other NGOs, healthcare professionals, and community leaders, these organizations amplify their impact. Collaborations often result in more comprehensive

Focused Area

Healthcare and Nutrition

Eye Care

Menstrual Hygiene